Silly Songs
The Chickens Get Into the Tomatoes ( A round)
Part 1:
The chickens get into the tomatoes,
The chickens get into the tomatoes.
Even the rabbits inhibit their habits when carrots are green.
Even the rabbits inhibit their habits when carrots are green.
Squash (nine times)
Part 2:
Squash (repeated)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Take me out to the ballgame
Take me out to the crowds
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks
I don’t care if I ever get back
For its root root root for the home team
If they don’t win its a shame
And its 1, 2, 3 strikes your out at the ole ball game.
Alice where are you going?
Upstairs to take a bath
Alice went with legs like toothpicks
And a neck like a giraffe raffe
Raffe raffe raffe raffe raffe raffe
Alice climbed in the bathtub
Pulled out the plug
Oh my goodness, oh my soul
There goes Alice down the hole
Alive, Alert, Awake
I’m alive, alert, awake enthusiastic
I’m alive, alert, awake enthusiastic
I’m alive, alert, awake
awake, alert, alive
The Banana
Bananas of the world unite.
Peel down the left,
Peel down the right,
Peel down the rest and take a bite.
Go, go bananas.
Go bananas,
Go, go bananas.
I’m alive, alert, awake enthusiastic
Little Red Wagon
You can't ride on my red wagon,
Wheels are broke and the axle's saggin'.
Same song, same verse, a little bit louder and a whole lot worse. (Repeat)
The Buzzard Song
If I had the wings of a buzzard, buzzard
Into the hills I would fly, would fly!
There I would live as a buzzard, buzzard
Until the day that I die, I die!
Ooh la la ooh la la ooh la, repeat
Ooh la la ooh la la ooh la, again
Ooh la la ooh la la ooh la, once more
Ooh la la ooh la la ooh la, the end.
Calamine Lotion
Calamine, Calamine, Calamine lotion
Calamine, Calamine, Calamine lotion
Oh…No no no not the lotion
Oh…No no no not the lotion
Itchy itchy scratchy scratchy get it on my
backy backy
Itchy itchy scratchy scratchy get it on my
backy backy
C the first letter is
A the second letter is
M that is the third
P-E that’s the middle of the word
R that’s near the end
S that is the end
Campers are the best
na na na na na (repeat this line)
C-A-M-P-E-R-S campers are the best!
C that’s the way it begins
H that’s the second letter in
I I am the third letter
C is the fourth letter in that bird
K we’re filling in
E we’re near the end
Oh C-H-I-C-K-E-N
That’s the way we spell CHICKEN
Rufas Rafus Johnson Brown
What ya gonna do when the rent comes round
What ya gonna say, how ya gonna pay?
You ain’t been working since judgment
You know that I know rent means dough
Landlord kicks you out in the snow
Rufas Rafas Johnson Brown
What ya gonna do when the rent comes round.
Down By the Bay
Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow
Back to my home, I dare not go
For if I do my mother will say HEY! (clap)
Have you seen a whale with a polka dotted
Have you ever seen a bear with pink underwear?
Have you ever seen a pig dancing a jig?
Have you ever seen a potato grow from a tomato?
Have you ever seen a cow with a green eyebrow?
Have you ever seen a bee with a sore on his
Eaner Meaner
I woke up Sunday morning and looked upon
the wall
The skeeters and the bedbugs were playing
a game of ball
The score was six to nothing, the skeeters
were ahead,
The bedbugs hit a home run and knocked me
out of bed.
I'm singing eaner meaner and a miney mo
Catch a whipper whopper by his toes
And if he hollers hollers hollers
Don’t let him go I'm singing
Eaner meaner and a miney mo.
I went down stairs to breakfast
and ordered ham and eggs
I ate so many pickles
the juice ran down my legs. (Chorus)
Driving down the highway
Highway 64
__________blow a big one and
Knocked me out the door. (Chorus)
Fried Ham
Fried ham, fried ham, cheese and bologna
And after the macaroni
We’ll have onions and pickles
And pretzels and then
We’ll have some more fried ham
Fried ham fried ham
Great Green Globs
Great green globs of
Greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey’s meat
Tiny little birdies feet
fried eyeballs
in a bowl of blood
And I forgot my spoon…
I got my straw!
I am slowing going CRAZY
I am slowly going crazy
1,2,3,4,5,6 Switch
Crazy going slowly am I
6,5,4,3,2,1 Switch
I love a Rabbit
I love a rabbit a crazy crazy rabbit
hop hop bunny bunny hop hop bunny bunny hop
hop bunny bunny hop hop
He don't like carrots, I'm crazy about carrots.
Chew chew bunny bunny chew chew bunny bunny
chew chew bunny bunny hop hop
I love rabbit a crazy crazy rabbit
hop hop bunny bunny hop hop bunny bunny hop hop bunny bunny hop hop
I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy
I’m a Yankee Doodle dandy
I’m a Yankee Doodle boy
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam
Born on the fourth of July
I’ve a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
She’s my Yankee pride and joy
Oh Yankee Doodle went to town
A riding on a pony
I am that Yankee Doodle boy!
5 Little
5 little fishies swim to the sea,
one said, "I'm not going, not me!"
I'd rather stay in the river instead,
'cause in the sea there are sharks that will bite off your…
blub (34 times)
4 little fishies…
3 little fishies…
2 little fishies…
1 little fishie swims to the sea,
he said, "I'm not going, not me!"
I'd rather stay in the river instead,
'cause in the sea there are sharks that will bite off your … head.
I’m a Nut
I’m a little acorn brown
Lying on the cold cold ground
Everybody’s steps on me
That is why I’m cracked you see.
I’m a nut (snap tongue twice))
I’m a nut (snap tongue twice)
I’m a NUTT nut
Called myself on the telephone
Just to see if I was home
Asked myself out for a date
Got me ready by half past 8 (chorus)
Took myself to the movie show
Sat me down in the very first row
Put my arm around my waist
Got so fresh I slapped my face (chorus)
I’m Being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor
I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor
Boa constrictor, boa constrictor
I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor
And I don’t like it very much!
He swallowed my toe
He swallowed my toe
He reached my knee
He reached my knee
He’s reached my middle
He’s reached me middle
He’s up to my neck
He’s up to my neck
He’s swallowed my……..SCHLURP!!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry, king of the bush is he
Laugh Kookaburra laugh, kookaburra
How gay your life must be.
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop kookaburra, stop kookaburra
Save some there for me.
He fell down and broke his knee
Poor kookaburra, poor kookaburra
Glad it wasn’t me.
Washy Washer Woman
Down by the banks where the old creek flows,
There's a wishy washy washer woman washing her clothes
Saying "Ooh, ah, ooh, ah."
And that's the way the washer woman washes her clothes.
La di daa da, coochie coochie coochie
La di daa da, coochie coochie coochie
La di daa da, coochie coochie coochie
And that's the way the washer woman washes her clothes.
Skunk Song
Well, I stuck my head in a little skunk hole
the little skunk said, “well bless my soul!
Take it out! take it out! take it out! Remove
Well I didn’t take it out, and the
little skunk said,
“If you don’t take it out, you’d
wish were dead.
Take it out!
Take it out! Take it out!
PSSSSSSSSSSS..I removed it, too late.
Well, I stuck my head in a little lion’s
And the little lion said, “Take it
out, you louse!
Take it out! Take it out! Take it out! Remove it!”
Well, I didn’t take it out and the
little lion said,
“If you don’t take it out, you’ll
soon be dead.
Take it out!
Take it out! Take it out! Remove it!”
Well, I didn’t take it out! CHOMP!
Swimming Swimming in my swimming hole
When days are hot and days are cold in my
swimming hole.
Brest stroke, sidestroke, fancy diving too
Oh don’t you wish you never had anything
else to do.
Weinie Man
I know a weenie man
He owns a weenie stand
He sells most everything from hotdogs on
Someday I’ll share his life
I’ll be his weenie wife
Hotdog I love that weenie man
Weenie weenie weenie weenie
Oh I Wanna Be A Dog
Oh, I wanna be a dog (pant, pant, pant, pant)
I wanna big wet nose (pant, pant, pant, pant)
I wanna sniff french poodles and basset hounds
and pee on telephone poles.
Oh, I wanna have dog breath
I wanna learn to growl (grrrr!)
Scratch fleas and ticks and chase after sticks,
I want the moon to make me howl (owoooo!)
Oh I wanna be a dog (pant, pant, pant, pant)
I wanna drool on the floor (pant, pant, pant, pant)
I wanns run in the stree, get mud on my feet
and jump all over your clothes.
Oh I wanna be a dog (pant, pant, pant, pant)
I wanna wag my trail (pant, pant, pant, pant)
‘Cause bein human these days in getting too crazy, I just wanna be a dog
(Slower) ‘Cause bein human these days in getting too crazy, I just wanna
be a dog! (Owooo)
Little Green Frog
(tongue out, draw it in)
MMM-Ah went the little green frog one day
MMM-Ah went the little green frog
MMM-Ah went the littler green frog one day
And his legs went kick, kick, kick.
But we all know frogs go La-Di-Da-Di Da
But we all know frogs go La-Di-Da-Di Da
Yes we all know frogs go La-Di-Da-Di Da
They don’t go MMM-Ah
One bottle of POP
One bottle of pop. Two bottle of pop, three
bottle of pop, four bottle of pop, five bottle of pop, six bottle of pop, seven, seven bottle of pop.
Don't throw your trash
Don’t throw your trash in my backyard,
my backyard, my backyard,
Don’t throw your trash in my backyard,
my backyard’s FULL!
Fish and chips and vinegar
Fish and chips and vinegar, vinegar, vinegar
Fish and chips and vinegar
Pepper Pepper
Pepper Salt
We’re Glad we are Your Day camp Counselor
(Chorus) (Also see skits for more ideas...)
We’re glad we are your day camp counselor,
there’s nothing we’d rather be
But if we weren’t your counselors, a__________
I would be
Undertaker-6 by 4, nail em to the floor (repeat)
Mess Hall cook-sore feet, back pain, listening
to GI’s complain (repeat)
Bird watcher-hark a lark, flying in the park splat
Pizza Maker-I make you a pizza;, I make you a pie,
I use no onions, they make you cry
Airline stewardess-heres your coffee, here’s
your tea, here’s your barf bag, BLAH!
(Perform actions to fit descriptions)
Six Little Ducks
Six little ducks that I once knew.
Fat ones, skinny ones, short ones too.
But the one little duck with a feather on his tail,
went the others with a
quack quack quack switch ( switch arms for quacking.)
Quack quack quack.
Down to the river they
must go
A widdle waddle widdle waddle to and fro.
But the one little duck with a feather on his back
He went the others with a
Quack Quack Quack switch( switch arms for
Quack Quack Quack.