YMCA Counselor in Training

Get up and Go
Becoming a CIT
Supervision & Pool Rules
Character Development
Dynamics and Behavior
Problem Solving
Conflict and Communication
Good Job
Things to Do
Get up and Go
Silly & Moving Songs

How we get there matters...
It keeps kids having fun even during the tedious parts of the day!

Get your Group to Move

There will be many times during your tour that you will need to move you group from once place to another.  This can sometimes by a challenge...so to help you from tearing your hair out as your group of ten move in ten different directions, here are some ideas on lining them up.

  ·        Hair color    

·        Eye color   

·        Shoe size

·        Sports 

·  Favorites (food, color, animal, etch)   

·        Alphabetical  

·        Questions: A book they just read   

·        Name everyone in-group

·        Birthdays    

But wait....does your group have to walk in a line?  Here are some other ways to move your group.

·        Play follow the leader 

·        Buddy system  

·        Walk in slow motion

·        Fly like birds in formation  

·        Walk backwards  

·      Hop on one foot 

·        Try to balance something 

·        Be within 2 feet of group or leader  

·        Link arms with buddy 

·        Be a train 

·        Take giant steps 

 ·        Run to a designated stop and freeze

 Keep your Group Moving
(Dividing into Teams)
·        Put your left thumb or right pinkie in the air
·        Put from 0-5 fingers in the air & find a partner to add your fingers together to make even #s
·        Wearing a belt, or not wearing a belt
·        Start hopping around on either your right foot or your left foot
·        Same # of siblings
·        Clothes the same color
·        Partners-each partner splitting into team A or team B
·        Count off by 5s.1s with 2s, 3s with 4s. Use 5s to make the teams even
·        Birthdays-first half of the month one team, second half the other.
·        Alphabet- Names from the first half of alphabet, or vowels/consonants
·        Odd/Even Days and Months – Odds and evens on separate teams
·        Nails: have kids look at their nails: Palm up, fingers folded or palm down, fingers straight
·        Stand On One foot- Children standing on their left foot are on one team, right the other.

Get your Group REmoved

(Line up if you have...)

what you would wish if you had one wish

something people don’t like

something people do like

a safety rule for home or school

a health rule for home or school

the name of a television character or show title

the name of a state

where your mom/dad work

the name of a city

the name of a country

what you would like to be when you grow up

your favorite subject in school

your favorite place to visit

a book title, author, character, illustrator

a kind of fruit

a kind of vegetable

a type of tree

a type of flower

the name of a movie star

your favorite cereal

a hobby or collection of things

an animal in the zoo

an animal on a farm

where your family went on vacation

the name of a school worker

your address, phone number, birthday

what you would do with a million dollars

one thing you learned today

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Eugene Family YMCA
2055 Patterson Eugene OR, 97405