YMCA Counselor in Training

Becoming a CIT
Supervision & Pool Rules
Character Development
Dynamics and Behavior
Problem Solving
Conflict and Communication
Good Job
Things to Do
Get up and Go
Silly & Moving Songs

Skits are an important part of any camp, especially at campfire.  Even if your camp doesn't have a campout, they can be good ways to pass time on rainy days, or time fillers!

The Little Green Ball
First kid comes on and says 'Oh no I've lost it' S/he then starts to search around on the floor. Second kid comes in and asks what s/he is looking for. First kid replies that s/he has lost his little green ball. Both kids continue searching the floor. Several more kids come on and are told about the lost little green ball. Even members of the audience can be persuaded to join in the search. After enough time has been dragged out, the first kid, sticks a finger up his/her nose and says "Don't worry I will have to make another one" YUK!!!!!
The Magic Doctor's Chair 
Characters required: 1 doctor and four patients. Props required: two chairs. 
Scene begins with doctor sitting on one of the chairs.  First patient enters twitching their left arm.
DOCTOR: 'And what's wrong with you sir?'
Patient 1: 'As you can see doctor I have this terrible twitch'
DOCTOR: 'Just sit on my magic chair and you'll get better'
The patient sits on the chair and stops twitching, but the doctor's left arm starts twitching.
Patient 1: 'Oh thank you doctor. you cured me'
The patient leaves, the doctor still twitching calls for the next patient. 
DOCTOR: ' Next '...... 'And what's wrong with you sir?'
This patient has the hiccups. The process of sitting in the chair is repeated. The doctor now has a twitch and the hiccups.
The third patient is called in, both his legs keep flicking in the air. The process is again repeated so that the doctor now has a twitching arm the hiccups and both legs flicking in the air.
The doctor now calls patient four. This patient looks quite normal, enters and sits in the magic chair.
DOCTOR: 'And what may I ask is wrong with you sir?'
Patient 4: 'I've got a terrible case of the runs doctor.' The doctor runs off the stage holding his stomach.
The Nutty Fisherman 
Center stage is a kid fishing from a bucket, s/he keeps pulling the rod as though s/he has something on the line. A passer by looks at him/her as s/he walks by and then walks on, after a few steps the passer by comes back to the camper.
 Passer by: "What are you doing there then?"
Fisher: "I'm fishing, what does it look as though I'm doing?" 
Passer by: "Fishing eh!, what are you fishing for?"
Fisher: "I'm fishing for suckers."
Passer by: "Have you caught any?"
Fisher: "Yes you're the third today!"
Campers and Bears
Two campers are walking through the forest when they suddenly encounter a grizzly bear! The bear rears up on his hind legs and lets out a terrifying roar. They're both frozen in their tracks. 
The first camper whispers, "I'm sure glad I wore my running shoes today." 
"It doesn't matter what kind of shoes you're wearing, you're not gonna outrun that bear," replies the second. 
"I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun YOU," he answers. 
Timothy Eaton
Number of participants: 4 or more.  Props: Articles of clothing
 # 2 enters and passes # 1, wearing a hat.
# 1: "Where did you get the hat ?" # 2: "Timothy Eaton." #3 enters and passes # 1 carrying a pair of pants. # 1: "Where did you get the new pants ?" # 3: "Timothy Eaton."
Others enter carrying new articles of clothing and offer similar explanations. Finally # 4 enters wearing just underwear (bathing suit).
# 1: "Who do you think you are dressed like that ?" # 4: "I'm Timothy Eaton !"
Good Soup
Props: a large pot, several spoons, and a floor mop. A chef's hat would also be useful.    
Announcer: This scene takes place in the camp Dining Hall.
(Several campers are seated around a large pot, sampling the imaginary contents with the spoons.)
A: Boy, this is sure good soup. 
B : Yep, it's got REAL flavor. 
C : Sure is, why it's even better than my Mom makes. 
D: Oh yeah. It's the best food I've eaten at camp all week. 
Cook : (Enters waving floor mop and shouting) Hey you guys ! Get out of my mop water !!! 

Letters from Home
Props: Two sheets of paper. (Best with older kids)
 Scott: (Enters) Gee, it's always nice to get a letter from home when you're at camp. 
Robin: (Enters) Hey, look, I got a letter from my Mom. 
Scott: Me too. Listen, my Mom says she's writing this letter slowly, because she knows I can't read fast. 
Robin: Mine says I won't know the house when I come home. They've moved! 
Scott: Oh, my Dad has a new job with 500 men under him. He's cutting the grass at the cemetery. 
Robin: Our neighbors started keeping pigs. Mom got wind of it this morning. 
Scott: Oh, my goodness. My little brother came home from school crying because all the other boys had new clothes and we can't afford any for him. Mom says she got him a new hat and lets him stand in the window. 
Robin: There was a washing machine in the new house. But my Mom put four shirts in it, pulled the handle and they disappeared. Guess it doesn't work right. 
Scott: My Mom had her appendix out and a dishwasher put in. And, oh, my sister had a baby this morning. Mom doesn't know if I'm an Aunt or and Uncle, because she doesn't know yet if it's a boy or a girl. 
Robin: Oh, dear, there's a P.S. It says, I was going to send you $ 10.00, but I had already sealed the envelope. 
Scott: Well, it's nice to know things are normal at home. 
Robin: Yep. (Both exit)
(With this skit it is possible to put each boy's script on a sheet of paper, and they can read it out, as though they were reading the letter. They should rehearse, of course, to make it sound natural.)
The Important Papers
 The setting can be either a king or a boss in his office who beckons to a courtier or assistant that he wants his royal or important papers. The person runs in with a sheath of papers, the king or boss quite agitated tosses them aside and demands that they bring him his important papers. Other people bring in other things one at a time such as a Handbook, Book etc. The king throws them aside and gets more and more upset demanding that he have his important papers. At last the some one comes in with a roll of toilet paper (court jester, office boy etc.). The king knights him or the boss promotes him thanking him profusely and runs off the stage in visible relief. 

The Lawnmower
One participant is on his hands and knees as the mower.
 Owner : (Yanking imaginary rope, while mower sputters) This darned old mower, I can't get it going. I need some help. (Gets help from another participant.) 
Helper #1: So you just want me to yank on this rope, and get it started? That's easy! (Yanking rope) 
Mower : (Splutters, bobs up and down) 
Helper #1: I'm sorry. I can't seem to do it. Have you checked the gas? 
Owner : Yes, I have. Thanks anyway. Well, let's see who else has a strong arm. (Selects another participant) What I need you to do is to give a real good yank on the starting rope and make it run. 
Helper #2: Sure thing. (Yanks rope a couple of times.) 
Mower : (Bobs up and down, sputters, coughs) 
Helper #2: Sorry, I can't do it either. 
Owner : What I need is someone big and strong (Selects a Leader) (Leader will probably make some comments, but let him talk and get him to pull the rope) 
Mower : (Splutters, coughs, starts to vibrate and run) 
Owner : There. All it needed was a good jerk.
Puppy in the Box
Props: A cardboard box, and a stuffed dog (or rabbit, etc.)
Announcer: This scene takes place on the street outside a grocery store.
(Several participants are gathered around outside the store, chatting.)
Camper A : (Enters holding the box) Hi guys, would you please hold this box for me while I go into the store? (Exits) 
Camper B: I wonder what's in the box? 
Camper C: I don't know, but something is leaking out! 
Camper D: (Rubs finger against the bottom of box, then licks finger) Hmmm, it tastes like lemon soda. 
Camper B: (Also rubs box and tastes finger) No. I think it's more like chicken soup. 
Camper A : (Returns, looks in box) Oh, you naughty puppy!
The Lost Lollipop
Small boy is sitting, crying
Passer-by #1: (Enters) What's wrong little boy, why are you crying? 
Boy : (Sobbing) I lost my lollipop! 
Passer-by #1: Have you looked for it? 
Boy : (Continues to sob) Oh, yes, I've looked under my bed, in my sock drawer, and even in Charlie's pocket. 
Passer-by #1: I've heard that chanting often works. You think very hard about the lollipop until you can see it in your mind, and chant 'lollipop' over and over again. 
Boy : (Closing eyes tightly) Big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop. 
Passer-by #1: (Nods approval and strolls out) 
Boy : (Continues chanting for a while, then starts crying again) 
Passer-by #2: (Enters) What's wrong, little boy? 
Boy : (Sobbing) I lost my lollipop, and I hunted and hunted, then this man told me to chant, and I did, and it didn't work! 
Passer-by #2: Chanted? 
Boy : Yeah, like this (Demonstrates, then starts to cry) 
Passer-by #2: Don't cry little boy. Maybe we need more help. 
Boy : (Turns to audience) You're my only help to get my lollipop back. Everybody, very softly now, chant with me, "Big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop." (Gets everyone doing it in unison) Great! I think it's working, keep going now. 
Passer-by #1: (Re-enters) Hi little boy. Did it work? 
Boy : (Loudly) No, it didn't, but I did find a whole lot of suckers!
The Fisherman
Props needed: one chair, one fishing pole, garbage bag half filled with crumpled paper. 
 The Scene set-up: Leader sits on chair, holding pole, making like he is fishing. Another leader announces that the scene takes place on a frozen lake. The sitting leader is obviously a successful fisherman, because look at all of the fish that he has in his garbage bag. 
First Leader: (Walks on) Wow! Look at all of the fish! What's your secret? Etc., etc... 
Fisherman mumbles a reply but doesn't open mouth... first leader says can't understand reply... while first leader is trying to get fisherman to say something, second leader walks on, and goes through the 'Wow... What's your secret?' routine.... Fisherman mumbles a reply, but still doesn't open mouth. Continue this until all of the leaders are on stage, with all leaders commenting on 'What's your secret?'.... Once all of the leaders are on stage, everyone starts to get angry at fisherman for not replying in a way that they can understand.., etc., etc. 
Finally, fisherman cups hands under his mouth, and goes 'Patooee', and says something like: 'Well, the secret to my success is that you have to keep the worms warm!'.  

Shorties and One Liners... 

Beam Me Up
Camper: Walks on stage, looks around slowly and says, "Scotty! The aliens are very unfriendly!! Quick!! Beam me aboard!!" 
Another camper in the audience: THUNK (the sound of a 2x4 landing on stage) 
Smoke Signals
1st camper, "Hey George, look over there, smoke signals." 
2nd camper,"Oh yes Mike, what do they say?" 
1st camper, pretending to look away through binoculars, says very slowly, "Help... My... Blankets... On... Fire. 
1st camper looking back at 2nd camper, "Help my blankets on fire?"
Little Brother
Camper 1: Whatcha doing ?
Camper 2: Writing a letter to my little brother. 
Camper 1: Why are you writing so slowly?
Camper 1: Because my little brother can't read very fast! 
Pulling String

Two campers needed, or one camper and the leader.
One: (walks onto stage area pulling a string big enough to see)
Two: asks) What are you doing
One: I'm pulling a string
Two: what are you doing that for?
One: Well, have you ever tried to push one?!
Fire Drill
Through the meeting or campfire, different people run through with some container (cups, buckets, cans, etc). MC makes some comment to the audience each time one runs through including things like requesting a cup of coffee the next time someone runs through. Sometimes we have people "offstage" cheering the runner through. 
Leader: Where's the fire? 
Runner: Your tent!
Leader: runs off stage

I'm a Rabbit
Camper 1: Ask me if I'm a rabbit.
Camper 2: Okay Are you a rabbit?
Camper 1: Yes. Now ask me if I'm a beaver.
Camper 2: Are you a beaver?
Camper 1: No, I already told you I was a rabbit! 
Shopper: Have you any four-volt two-watt bulbs? 
Clerk : For what?
Shopper: No, four-volt, two-watt.
Clerk : Two what?
Shopper: yes!
Clerk : No.
What a Day
(Three tired looking hikers enter, drop packs and flop in a circle.)
Hiker 1: (groans) What a day.
Hiker 2: (after a pause, groans) What a day.
Hiker 3: (happily) Yeah, it sure was!
Hiker 2: (angrily) If you can't stick to the subject, I'm leaving! (First two hikers stalk off, leaving third looking very surprised).
Bee Sting
1st camper: "OOOOOUCH , OOOOOH , OOOUCH."
2nd camper: "What's the matter with you?"
1st camper: "A bee's stung my thumb."
2nd camper: "Try putting some cream on it then."
1st camper: "But the bee will be miles away by this time."

One liners...

The Announcement
Campfire Chief: And now it's time to make a spot announcement. (Dog barks from the audience.) Thank you Spot.

Throwing Up
Walk across tossing a ball several inches to a foot up in the air. From the audience someone says, "What are you doing?"  Replies, " I'm throwing up!"

Its All Around Me!
You need two characters, one on stage and the other to rush on in a panic, swatting the air, looking desperate and yelling, "It's all around me, it's all around me!"
"What? What's all around you?" the first player asks. The other replies, "My belt, of course!"

All Over Me
Person runs across the stage yelling,"They're all over me, they're all over me!" Second person says, "What's all over you?" .  Replies "My clothes!"

Persons runs "onstage" screaming "they're after me! They're after me!" MC asks "Who's after you" Person replies "The squirrels, they think I'm nuts"

Player walks across the area scattering handfuls of leaves he takes from a big bag. Another player approaches and asks, "What are you doing?" 1st Player: I'm leaving! 
Alien comes in - traditional "take me to your leader" routine etc. When taken to leader the alien says, "Stop singing, Ging Gang Goolie -- it's our national anthem..." 
The Ruler
Mike: Why do you keep the ruler on the newspaper when you're reading?
Spike: I want to get the story straight! 

(This is a good one for campers to see staff also able to be crazy!)

If I were not your camp counselor, a                             I'd be...

 Archer: shoot the bow, the mighty mighty bow I said, 
Birdwatcher: There's a lark and there's a lark and there's another lark (UGH!) 
Farmer: Sow the seed, and fertilize the weeds! 
Hippie: Hey man, cool man, far out, WOW! 
Leader: Where's your socks and where's your shoes and don't forget your hat! 
Plumber: A plumber I would be! Plunge it, flush it, look out below! 
Carpenter: A carpenter I'd be! Two by four, nail it to the floor! 
Cashier: A cashier I would be! Twenty nine, forty nine, here is your change, sir! 
Superman: Superman I'd be! It's a bird, it's a plane, where is Lois Lane? 
Washerwoman: Hanging all the washing out, Peg it on the line to dry. 
Bus Conductor: Any more fares please! Any more fares please! Pass down the line. Ching. Ching. 
Sergeant Major: Fall in. Fall in. Tallest on the right. 
Mermaid: Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop! 
Teacher: Sit down, sit down, throw away your gum! 
Airline attendant: Coffee, tea, oops pardon me!
Laundry worker: Starchy here, starchy there, starchy in your underwear! 
Medic: Turn around, drop your pants, jab, jab, jab! 
Doctor: Take a pill; pay my bill! I'm going golfing! 
Electrician: Positive, negative; turn on the juice-ZZZT! 
Fireman: Jump lady! Jump lady! Whoo-ooah! GOTCHA! 
Cook: Mix it, bake it; heartburn-BURP! 
Ice cream maker: Tutti-frutti, tutti-fruitti, nice ice cream! 
Politician: Raise the taxes, lower the pay, vote for me on election day! 
Butcher: Chop it up, grind it up, make a little patty! 
Garbage collector: Lift it, dump it, sort out the goodies! 
Clam digger: Dig one here, dig one there-Oh my frozen derriere! 
Cyclist: peddle, peddle, peddle, peddle; ring, ring, ring! 
House cleaner: Ooh, a bug; squish it in the rug! 
Baby: Mama, Dada, I wuv you! 
Dolly: Mama, kiss me, take me home! (kissy sound) 
Truck Driver: Oh dear, can't steer, put this stupid thing in gear! (drive an imaginary car) 
Typist: Type, and type, until you get it right! (pretend to type) 
Star: Dahling, dahling, let's do lunch! (wave hand) 
Dishwasher: Scrub, and scrub, and get out all the grub! (scrub plates) 

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Eugene Family YMCA
2055 Patterson Eugene OR, 97405