Bus Games
Read Palms
Have a funny face contest
Slug Bug
Rock Paper Scissors
Spelling Bee
Twenty Questions
Waving Game
Have a joke spree
Have a staring contest with seat partner
Make signs for passing cars
Silent Game
Count Bumps
Make the ride a roller coaster
Count freckles on your friends arm
Rhyme Time
Alphabet Game: find things which
begin with each letter in order
Brain Teasers
How many words can you make from the letters in the words YMCA Summer Camp?
Write backwards messages: Breathe on the window and write a message backwards
in steam
Play for Two: Write down as many pairs as possible. (Hansel/Gretel,
Batman/Robin, Jack/Jill)
Bus Telephone: Whisper a message to the person next to you and say pass it on.
The last person to receive the message says it aloud.
Chain Games: Pick a category, such as cities. Name a city then, the next person must name a city that starts with the last letter of the first
city. (Portland, Detroit, Toronto...)
Name that tune: In how many notes can you name a tune? Take turns humming and guessing.
Rumplestilskin: In three tries, see if you can guess the middle name of the staff, or bus driver…
One Line Story: Each person gets one sentence and the next person adds a sentence to make a story
Finger Tap: Tap the rhythm of a popular song. Person who guesses, gets
to tap next.
Write a thank you note for the driver/staff/CITs
Talk to your hand: Make a fist, draw eyes and a top lip on your
index finger, a bottom lip on your thumb. Move your folded in thumb up and down
to make your hand talk.