YMCA Counselor in Training

Things to Do

Becoming a CIT
Supervision & Pool Rules
Character Development
Dynamics and Behavior
Problem Solving
Conflict and Communication
Good Job
Things to Do
Get up and Go
Silly & Moving Songs

So you're bored?
What do you think the campers are feeling??

 Rainy Day Plans

Write a play    Perform the play    Take a slicker hike  Play charades Write and tell stories  Create a kitchen band   Stage a talent show  Teach new games and songs Make picture frames Decorate a bulletin board    Put on a puppet show    Teach sports fundamentals Carve soap objects String beads Finger paint

Bus Games

Read Palms

Have a funny face contest

Slug Bug

Rock Paper Scissors

Spelling Bee

Twenty Questions

Waving Game

Have a joke spree

Have a staring contest with seat partner

Make signs for passing cars

Silent Game

Count Bumps

Make the ride a roller coaster

Count freckles on your friends arm

Rhyme Time

Alphabet Game: find things which begin with each letter in order

Brain Teasers

How many words can you make from the letters in the words YMCA Summer Camp?

Write backwards messages: Breathe on the window and  write a message backwards in steam

Play for Two: Write down as many pairs as possible. (Hansel/Gretel, Batman/Robin, Jack/Jill)

Bus Telephone: Whisper a message to the person next to you and say pass it on.  The last person to receive the message says it aloud.

Chain Games: Pick a category, such as cities.  Name a city then, the next person must name a city that starts with the last letter of the first city. (Portland, Detroit, Toronto...)

Name that tune: In how many notes can you name a tune? Take turns humming and guessing.

Rumplestilskin: In three tries, see if you can guess the middle name of the staff, or bus driver…

One Line Story: Each person gets one sentence and the next person adds a sentence to make a story

Finger Tap: Tap the rhythm of a popular song.  Person who guesses, gets to tap next.

Write a thank you note for the driver/staff/CITs

Talk to your hand: Make a fist, draw eyes and a top lip on your index finger, a bottom lip on your thumb.  Move your folded in thumb up and down to make your hand talk. 

 Things To Do When There’s Nothing To Do

Collect items for a collage    play sardines    go on a trash hunt    blow bubbles    play charades  people watch    have a widest grin contest    sing    wheelbarrow races    adopt a tree   make up a secret language or code    categories    plan an imaginary vacation    have a sock fight   do a lap sit    interview someone in your group    make shadow figures    play human tic tac toe   face paint    make up a group handshake    talk    decide how you would spend one million dollars write a letter to yourself    count ants or birds or clouds    have a potato bug race   make up a group cheer using everyone’s name    make a group pyramid    make up a continuous story    try to guess everyone’s middle name    try to make each other laugh    DANCE    play balloon volleyball   see how many jumping jacks you can do in 60 seconds    make silly faces    play electricity  design a scavenger hunt for another group    make journals    do aerobics   make up a skit    spell words using the letters of your name    go on a trust walk    aerobics   think of all the positive things you can say about each other, then say them    baseball   make up a nonsense work using the first letter of everyone’s name    make up a camp trivia game   walk backwards    try to name all fifty states    make a group banner    make up your own top 40 song list   make predictions-where will each person be in 10 years    sing every TV theme song you can think of  around the world BBX     bingo    dodge ball    duck, duck, goose    Frisbee competition   Frisbee golf    fruit salad    hackey sock competition    have a birthday party    hot potato    human machine human obstacle course    jump rope games    knots    London bridge    mingle    recite poetry     red light, green light    blob    bop    charades    concentration    Simon says soccer    spud    start a pen pal program    steal the bacon    what’s missing

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Eugene Family YMCA
2055 Patterson Eugene OR, 97405